"There's a time [now] and a place [now]"
- from "Color Show"
[much better when hearing the "now"s screamed in the song]

[2 of the 3 boys- by Crackerfarm]
- from "Color Show"
[much better when hearing the "now"s screamed in the song]

[2 of the 3 boys- by Crackerfarm]
These guys are one bunch that I've been playing a lot lately, particularly in the car, windows down. The various tracks that I've found here and there cover most of their work, the newest being the album . The North Carolina boys also have a few more full lengths and a handful of eps that are floating around the universe. Their well rounded alt. country sound that fuses a love of bluegrass, folk and classic country, complete with a dash of rock that chills out at moments for epic ballads (see: "The Ballad of Love and Hate").
After seeing the list of artists playing Bonnaroo this year, the Avetts made me delve into the band more, my initial find by the boys, the song "Matrimony". The somewhat more agressive and upbeat track became a daily sing along for me (the band also has a song that is preloaded on the newer Zune Mp3 players, as my brother discovered this past Christmas morning).
After seeing the list of artists playing Bonnaroo this year, the Avetts made me delve into the band more, my initial find by the boys, the song "Matrimony". The somewhat more agressive and upbeat track became a daily sing along for me (the band also has a song that is preloaded on the newer Zune Mp3 players, as my brother discovered this past Christmas morning).
The Avett Brothers are currently touring , making a stop April the 18th at the Rites of Spring festival at Vanderbilt University in Nashville (same nite as they play the Grand Ole Opry and the Okkervil River show that will be across the town). June 14th they also will touch down at Bonnaroo.
A video introduction to the band:
A video introduction to the band:
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