I feel this is ok, because I have many short things to share, which if you are interested, follow the links and see where you end up. (I don't have that many friends I see during the week. I have even fewer of said friends who are interested in the same things I am. Hence, you, small number of blog readers, are the winners of the rundown of things I have heard/learned/discovered this week.]

- The Nashville Scene, one of my favored "alternative" papers in music city has a very much overdue cover story this week, Not Playing Here. Many times have I (and others) made comments about bands skipping Nashville on their tours, opting for Atlanta and other cities that are not necessarily as big as the Nashville market. On top of the story, the cover design is pretty sweet, too.
-There was a casting call for a Hannah Montana film in Nashville this week. My good friend Heather wound up rolling out of the bed really early and trekking it to the Sommet Center to, as she put it, 'stand in line for four and a half hours between some know it all teenagers, just to fill out a piece of paper and give them a headshot.' Hopefully she gets the spot in the crowd of a Hannah concert and can be seen for .39 seconds. I mean, it'd be a reason for me to go see it...(not saying that I secretly might go to the movie or anything anyways. Maybe if the Jonas Brothers make a cameo...).
-The film Juno comes out next week. I never got around to seeing it before it left theaters. Just saw Ellen Page on Leno and according to Zach, she's the most adorable thing ever. I don't know if I'd say ever, but she has a cute sense of style and I dig her sarcastic side.
- Clearly I'm slacking on my indie cred, never having seen Juno and also I'm just now getting into The National and their record, "Boxer". It was on pretty much at the top of all the top record lists of 2007 and has been sitting on my computer forever, admittedly coming back to mind after seeing the video for "Apartment Story" in American Eagle a few weeks back. I've yet to really get into the whole record, but I'm working on it. I'm about half way through and I'll be sure to post my thoughts when I get them in some organized fashion.
-Jay Reatard is playing Chattanooga. I am not 21 yet (oh, just 2 more months...) and cannot get in the door. If you can and are in town and like good music, show up at JJ's Bohemia on April 29th.
He's playing with Giant Tigers (from Chattanooga- I actually heard about them first through the Grand Palace guys and that's usually a good sign) and Cheaptime.
-Speaking of Grand Palace, my dinosaur enthusiasts friends, Happy Birthday Amy have finally released their full length record. They are touring, like, starting tomorrow, kicking off the jaunt with a house show in Murfreesboro (April 10th) at a house on Greenland.
Check out their myspace for some tunes and if you want to see where they are playing, the exact address of the Boro show or to just buy the record. It should be available in the normal places before too long, I'd assume (ie Grimeys in Nashville, Grand Palace, etc.). Ask for it by name, "Sue".
I've known Amy for a few years now and she's a pretty rad lady- and can definitely sing. They work hard for the money and you should drop a little on the record.
-Okkervil River/New Pornographers show countdown: 8 days. Show up. Sing along with me. It's a Friday nite, Nashville never gets good shows (though I will excuse you if you are Rites of Spring, seeing the Avett Brothers), you know you didn't get Raconteurs tickets because they sold out so quickly.

- One more thing- NPR is amazing. Seriously. I've been overlooking my ipod in the car this week to listen to the interviews, news and random things they share with the world. One of the coolest things I've heard so far is a three part story about this "spiritual cult" from the 70's in L.A.
Part One as linked there, has tons of videos and photographs of the whole ordeal. Biblical-like robes and long flowing hair and 100 people+ living in one huge house- you have to be interested. The main guy, Father Yod, had 13 wives. "Spiritual wives" of course, but wives. Check it out if you are at all interested in any of the counterculture of the 1970's.
Elsewhere on NPR's website, just dig around. Search for an artist you like, they might have a live concert or interview with them. The folks that put the radio shows together, they know what's up in the "cultured" world.
Until next time-
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