So Jack White and crew just won my heart.
Release a record and only announce it the week before it drops? Put it out on all formats [including vinyl] on the same day?
I'm pretty sure this method of realease means I'm going to purchase the album the day it comes out, or atleast sometime next week. Of course, solely doing so to support the notion of music being real and not all about press, pre-sales or the money factor.
I knew that Jack kept it real and he has once again proven it.
check out more about the band here and buy the record when it comes out here!
Two other random thoughts:
-I'm wearing the same thing I did yesterday, again today. I'm really digging the new line for summer from VS Pink. Peace signs, love and bohemia all the way...
- This New Pornographers album, "Challengers" is one I'm glad I picked up last week. It's really growing on me and lets me know that I'm in for a treat come next month's show.
Have a one!
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