The day started early, as usual, arriving around 8:30 am, changing into our sweet volunteer shirts [props to Screamin' Jacks member Heather Moulder and her amazing rockabilly inspired logo for our tshirts this year. She does love some Wanda Jackson you know...] and heading to the Sweet Hang [ie volunteer suite] for a redbull and coffee before cheering at Morning Assembly. Got together with the crew of ladies who showed up to lead the cheers [tomorrow starts the songs, too] that 'wake up' the girls. Morning Assembly wound up being awesome, seeing as the girls actually got up and did the cheers.
I am H.A.P.P. YYYY.
After that I spent an hour and a half in the financial aid office [clearly not part of camp] & in a sour mood moved along afterwards to lunch at the cafeteria. Let's just say, putting 90 campers, plus all of the volunteers and directors, plus a few random MTSU people in the JUB cafe, well, it gets crowded. Made some new friends at lunch [pics soon. Also soon for morning assembly since they're disposable camera] and enjoyed meeting my new friend, Mia, one of the girls in our *SEVEN* piece band and some other volunteers.
After lunch the Screamin Jacks rocked it out and were amazing, especially their brand new song that I can't wait to hear again & again & again. It was also pretty cool to see some of the girls from last year singing along with the song they recorded during camp last summer [and thanks to Joshua Walker, drummer extrodinare, for playing drums for us during morning assembly, too!].

Later on we rocked out some intro to photography stuff in the workshop & got to know some of the new campers. They're way rad girls.
Then it was on to choosing bands, with everyone congregating in the huge room in the music building. Alexa and I planned to band manage together and found an interesting crew of 7 rockers who are already on an amazing start to the uber awesome song [it's a suprise til showcase! Guess you have to show up now...]

[working hard in band practice]
Afetr some time in practice and getting quite far for the first day, the day was over and I am currently exhausted.
Now it's time for bed and sleep til about 8 am. Woohoo.
As a bonus, here's also a photo of HT blowing some bubbles, her birthday officially commencing today, July 14th! Happy birthday, HT!

Check back tomorrow evening for another update on the awesomeness that is Rock & Roll Camp!
i miss you, SGRRC! sounds like you're having a great time. :)
I can't wait to see how you're going to organize seven girls into one band.
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