So since it's been a while since I've ventured to these parts & so much has changed- that being said I figured that I’d put up some facts about what’s currently going in my life so you can get some frame of reference…
(Walt's Window, after Loss proposed... one of my fave pics from the trip) |
Since last writing, I have turned into an utter Disney Nerd! I’m loving being a Dis Nerd, as I call it. I was generously given the opportunity to travel to Walt Disney World with Losson & his family during winter break, arriving New Years day 2013. After all the planning & excitement, I fell back in love with the place, & on a level that wasn’t quite the same as when I visited as a younger child. Being able to go & explore with someone I love made it almost a new experience & one that I hope we can continue to repeat time & time again. Learning the history of classic Disney attractions, the imagineers who thought up so much of the attractions & technology in the parks, & the optimism of Walt Disney himself are just a few of the things that keep me going back to books, podcasts & any other Disney related thing that I can get my hands on. I am so thankful for that trip for igniting my passion & allowing it to be something Losson & I can share together. There will definitely be more on this topic in the future, don’t worry.
(These colors are our wedding colors) |
2. To tie in with the Disney nerdery, wedding details must be shared! We are having purple, pink, yellow, basically the color palette from “Tangled” as our wedding colors & a Main Street USA themed reception. Getting to collect items from our trips to the parks, antiquing and more make this girl quite happy; growing the Disney collection & using the items in our reception is proving to be fun already (and a good excuse to buy a few things we’ve found along the way).
(My kind of festival: not one you camp at!) |
3. I still love music. A lot. Obviously, since this was a music based blog, that is something that’s always meant a lot to me, but since I’ve been working in schools, during the school year, shows don’t happen very much for me. We do have a nice venue here in Chattanooga, Track 29, but I won’t lie- most weeknights I’m crashed out by 10:30 pm. This summer, Losson & I did trek with my family to Louisville to attend the Forecastle Festival. It was my 3rd year & the festival is one of my favorites around, hands down. This year we got the opportunity to see Jenny Lewis, Outkast, TuneYards, Band of Horses & plenty of more awesome folks on the weekend long line up. If we can afford it, you better believe we will be back for 2015 and seeing all the folks on the great line up & the interesting folks who come out to the festival from all across the southeast.
Pinterest is one of my favorite things around. I’ve got more boards than I care to mention on the site & can be found spending time being OCD over their order & appearance much more than I am OCD about anything else. Besides the predictable 10+ Disney related boards (the different parks across the world, dining, resorts, films, etc.), cats are my most pinned to board (currently at 700+ pins…) & different foods, desserts & drinks cover a good chunk of it, alongside future casa & crafty ideas & art. If any of this sounds interesting to you, feel free to follow me on Pinterest & you can also thereby make me feel extra special by making me feel as if I may be ‘internet cool’, as far as the website goes. Everybody’s got their something, right?
(Loss & I both agree we kinda like baby Spencer) |
Another thing I’ve come to lovely lately is babies. In August, Losson’s brother’s baby was born & I fell in love. Getting to hold that sweet baby for a while & just snuggle makes me a very happy aunt. This addition to the family has also helped me realize that I’m not quite ready for a kiddo of my own but it’s giving me good training in infant snuggling, holding & even diaper changing. I’ll be ready in a few years...after a few more romantic trips to Disney and weekend jaunts all over the south.
Have a good one!
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